Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights are foundation of businesses. How you define and protect your innovation and creativity are strategic bottom-line issues, about which every entity should be concerned.
How We Can Help
The Firm, with its long term and varied expertise, provides essential services in the field of Intellectual Property Rights, which, inter alia, include:
  • I.P Audits;
  • Prior Act research;
  • Prosecution of Trademark, Copyrights, Designs and Patents;
  • Continuous monitoring to check misappropriation of clients’ proprietary rights;
  • Solicitation on Acquisition, Sale and Licensing of such Intellectual Property Rights;
  • Drafting Agreements  and  negotiating  wide  range  of contracts  in  relation  to  IPRs.
  • Contesting Injunction Suits & Suits for Damages before Commercial Courts.